I did another one! This time for myself. I bought a Tshirt from Forever 21 again (only RM19) and got out my sharpies. It hardly needs explanation but a step-by-step follows nonetheless:
Le T-shirt and le markers de fabrique.
With Tshirts that are too opaque to trace on, start with a practice draft. Place it on the shirt and position it until satisfied.
A close-up for good measure.
I usually do a light outline first before going over it again.
I usually do a light outline first before going over it again.
Tip: buy a t-shirt with tight knits rather than loose knits. The softer and stretchier the Tee the more bleed and the more difficult to get crisp lines on.
The finished product: A geeky tee for the social scientist is all of us. I added a box around the words. You may notice that its also slightly off-centred. damn.
Tip: Don't draw it off-centre!!!! Also, try to make sure the pattern is smaller than your chest area so that it's visible at all times.
Tip: Don't draw it off-centre!!!! Also, try to make sure the pattern is smaller than your chest area so that it's visible at all times.